Ow do ivribody, Send thi own charvers a wonoff nooet in t' Straight talkin twoddle… Try it fer fun 'an bewk larnin.
It’s chee-ap to use so start nar 'an have a champion time. T' site is still undergoing t'building wuk but is still oppen fer chee-ap use. Its a brand spankin top bod Straight talkin arranyard translation utility.
Start nar by adding thi own skits in t' Sandbox area 'an generating that special wonoff tyke nooet to thi own charvers 'an family. All 'er us is graftin' tuff as owd rooep gerrin bigger t' dictionary as regulla as clock wuk So, from 'ere it'll key'ep on gerrin' better 'an better. Some er t' best skits ull be purrin print publicly, but to send thi own tyke messages to thi own charvers, just tek 'an paste thi own skit as in a bit as thee have posted it fer publication.
Tell all thi own charvers 'an family to send that special nooet nar.
Sithi, t' Gaffer