Conisbrough Castle is a 12th-century castle in Conisbrough, Sarth Tyke land, England, whose remains is dominated by t' 97-foot-high circular key'ep, which is supported by six buttresses.
In t' mid-1990s, t' key'ep were restored, wi a wooden roof 'an two floors being rebuilt.
Audio 'an visual displays nar help to reconstruct a view er life in a medieval castle, while a history er t' site is documented in t' adjacent visitors’ centre.
T' building is considered t'only er Sarth Tyke land’s primary tourist attractions, 'an sees in excess er 30,000 visitors per year. Its managed by English Heritage, as er 1 April 2008. Donni' Council oohen t' land t' monument is standing on, but English Heritage manage t' property.

Sithi while later…
T' Castle is an 11th century earthwork motte 'an bailey fortress, founded by William de Warenne. It were chucked up on t' site er a timber motte-and-bailey castle, t' white, cylindrical key'ep er this 12th-century castle is a spectacular structure. Chucked up er magnesian limestone, its t' only example er its kind in England.

Following t' demise er its owners, t' de Warenne family, Conisbrough Castle rapidly lost its importance. By t' end er t' 1400s it 'ed bin abandoned as a residence 'an, ironically, it were its state er disrepair that saved it from destruction during t' English Civil War.
A high inner bailey curtain wall, flanked wi solid circular towers, encases t' magnificent key'ep 'an t' remnant foundations er ancient medieval buildings. In 1994, following five centuries er neglect, two spankin floors 'an a roof were placed into t' castle key'ep, 'an nar its considered to be t'only er t' finest examples er medieval architecture in Europe.
Experience fer thissen t' atmosphere er this medieval castle, inspiration fer Bod Walter Scott’s classic novel, “Ivanhoe”.
Visit Conisbrough Castle 'an climb to t' top er t' magnificent key'ep fer breath-taking views across t' breadth er Yorkshire: from Emley Fell in t' west to t' docks at Goole in t' east.
Summer Opnin' Times
21 March while 30 September
Monday to Sunday 10am while 5pm.
Winter Opnin' Times
1 October while 31 March
Monday to Sunday 10am while 4pm.

Last admissions to Conisbrough Castle is 40 minutes afoor closing ivvry day.
T' following Admission Prices apply during normal opnin' hours.
Grown ups' £4.00
Concessionary Grown ups' £3.40
Childer (6 to 16 yrs) £2.00
Childer (under 5) FREE
Family (2+2) £10.00
English Heritage FREE
Afoor mekin' thi own journey to visit Conisbrough Castle, its recommended that thee telephone t' Caste on +44 (0)1709 863329 to enquire if any alterations to t' Admission Pricing Policy is in force fer t' day er thi own visit!