Peveril Castle in Castleton
Sitting in an impregnable position on a clifftop above t' small town er Castleton, Peveril castle offers panoramic views er t' Peak District. T' castle were founded in a bit after 1066 by William Peveril, t'only er ‘William t' Conqueror’s’ most trusted knights. He were granted t' title er bailiff er t' Royal Manors er t' Peak – in effect t' King’s agent fer t' Royal Forest er t' Peak – after t' Normanconquest er 1066. William Peveril is thought to have bin an illegitimate son er William t' fust. (William Ahh)
T' castle played an important role in guarding t' Peak Forest. During t' middle ages, t' castle were commonly known as ‘Castle Peak’. T' brant sides er t' castle med it almost inpenetrable during t' middle ages.
In 1176, additional changes to t' castle were commissioned by Henry II, t' most noticeable being t' stor ‘Square Clemmy Key'ep’, which were originally chucked up er wood. Later developments during t' 13th
century included t' ‘Stor Hall’. As t' centuries rolled by, t' castle became less 'an less a strategic stronghold, but its renouned impregnability paid service to t' continual use er t' building being used as a courthouse & prison.
In later years, Peveril’s son, William, 'ed become a constant irritation to his peers wi his flamboyancy 'an flair fer independence which t' King an all found troublesome; 'an in 1155 Peveril estates were confiscated 'an t' castle has belonged to t' Crown er t' Duchy er Lancaster ever since.
Henry II often visited Peveril castle to hunt 'an, on t'only inique occasion, arranged to bump into King Malcolm er Scotland. Records show that t' Scottish King paid homage to Henry when staying at t' Castle in 1157 which an all pays gawm to noting that an enormous amount er wine were consumed on this Royal occasion!

By t' late 17th century, t' castle fell into ruin 'an it wasn’t while t' twentieth century that restoration were considered fer t' building as a national monument. Nar, t' most prominent feature still standing is t' Clemmy Key'ep chucked up in 1766.
Visitors access t' castle grounds by slowly climbing t' brant side 'cross from Castleton town. T' original gang approached t' main gate in a winding zig-zag trail up Goose hill. T' gang were accessed ovver a wooden bridge which spanned a moat. T' original t'building wuk were not thought worthy er replacing during t' recent restoration period. Visibly noticeable on entering t' castle
grounds is t' sturdy curtain wall which, unlike t' Square Clemmy Key'ep, is part er t' original existing structure chucked up in t' Norman era by t' Peveril family. T' ruined walls contain various Roman tiles in t' architecture, which its believed came from t' ruins er t' stor Roman fort in nearby Navio (Brough)
T' key'ep is by far t' dominent feature er Peveril castle 'an t' original height were 'rarnd 60 feet covered extensively wi fine gritstone facing blocks. Remnants er these facing blocks is still seen on t' east 'an sarth sides. T' Key'ep an all towers ovver t' surrounding area wi a breath-taking view that spans boo'eth Castleton town 'an Cavedale below. In't t' remnants er t' courtyard, its
still possible to mek art t' foundations er t' Stor Hall 'an kitchens 'an tuther castle buildings.
T' castle is nar in t' care er English Heritage.
Peveril Castle saw a succession er Royal Kings 'an Queens, but in t' late 14th century, it were granted to John er Gaunt, in exchange fer t' earldom er Richmond, 'an became part er t' Duchy er Lancaster.
However, on John’s death, his son (who became King Henry IV) inherited Peveril Castle 'an it became part er t' Crown estate. By this time t' building were considered to be too uncomfortable to reside at, 'an slowly t' apartments were demolished, wi only t' key'ep being retained to serve as a courthouse.
Wi its champion location in t' heart er t' Peak District, overlooking t' reit bonny little town er Castleton (famous fer t' Blue John clemmy), Peveril Castle may not be t' most inspiring er Norman castles but t' breathtaking views it provides er t' surrounding countryside mek t' visit worthwhile.
Peveril Castle
S33 8WQ
Location: 15 miles W er Sheffield on t' A6187
Website: Peveril Castle
Phone: 01433 620 613
OS SK179 824