Conisbrough Castle

The Conisbrough Castle, South Yorkshire
T' Conisbrough Castle, Sarth Tyke land
The Coal Man
T' Coil Man

Conisbrough Castle is a 12th-century castle in Conisbrough, Sarth Tyke land, England, whose remains is dominated by t' 97-foot-high circular key'ep, which is supported by six buttresses.

In t' mid-1990s, t' key'ep were restored, wi a wooden roof 'an two floors being rebuilt.

Audio 'an visual displays nar help to reconstruct a view er life in a medieval castle, while a history er t' site is documented in t' adjacent visitors’ centre.

T' building is considered t'only er Sarth Tyke land’s primary tourist attractions, 'an sees in excess er 30,000 visitors per year. Its managed by English Heritage, as er 1 April 2008. Donni' Council oohen t' land t' monument is standing on, but English Heritage manage t' property.

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